Monday, August 19, 2019

Sustainable Wikimania ?
and the role of languageS to it. 

It is obvious that Language Policy has a lot to do with Wikipedia (Wp). Together with the UN, Council of Europe (EC) and the EU, Wikipedia is the most multilingual Organization on this Planet. And the Potential of Participation is enormously. But the participation in the Wikipedia is foremost online. But if one wants to participate beyond article-writing or editing, 2 possibilities are open up: Going to a Wikimania or Working for the Wikimedia Foundation, the Organization, which is backing (not only) the Wikipedia. Because I have job (at the Chukyo-University), I can't just work for the Foundation, but finding time and the right place, going to the Wikimania was an option for me since several years, but since I work in Japan (Nagoya) and since I am also responsible for our study abroad program in Germany, it was until now not possible to go to a Wikimania.The Link to the article (on WpE) shows more about the former conferences. The conference this year had the topic: "Stronger Together: Wikimedia, Free Knowledge and the Sustainable Development Goals" (= SDGs & Link to Wikemania 2019). The SDGs are maybe the best possibility to cope with severe situation this planet is in. Looking at the SDGs the relation of some goals are obvious: Especially "Quality Education" (No.4), but also "Partnerships for the Goals" (17) and in general ALL goals have a relation to language, because without language no goal could be reached. The relation to the Wikipedia-Movement is clear, especially the Wikipedia can reach out to the communities to help reaching the SDGs, in terms of:
  • Information 
  • Activation 
  • Transformation (of World Society) 
Languages (especially English) playing a crucial role in this process. But the problem is here, that there is not only one language (not even English), which can reach this goal alone. And related to that THE Wikipedia Movement is not existing. There a lot of different national Wikipedias (in different languages) and there are other projects as well. And there are the (national Wikimedia) Foundations, organizing the Projects, like the Wikimania. And because of this variety of nations (languages) and projects conferences like the Wikimania are necessary. But this conferences are not sustainable, especially the Air-travel is problem for sustainability, among other factors (e.g. not all of the Servers of Wikimedia are using green energy). But on the long run, looking at sustainability from a more distant perspective, Wikipedia seems to be the best options to reach out for sustainability, because of the multilingual character of the Wikipedia and also because of the strong role of the English languages.