Monday, April 19, 2021

Creating the means of propaganda❓

 "Propaganda" is a strong word, creating influential narratives would indicate a more balanced point of view. However, the word is used, because techniques and structures of influencing are addressed here and in this sense "propaganda" seems to be an honest word, naming and explaining structures of influence, which in a way can't be avoided, only reflected and re-framed. 

The starting point of the line of reasoning is the Netflix documentary Five Came back (Wp = Wikipedia gives some backgrounds), which is itself based on a book of Mark Harris. Both sources show, how Hollywood created the means of propaganda, which were not existent, before 1942, before the US entered WW2. Hollywood was already influential before 1942, but central was making money, not shaping the narrative. This changed with entering the Propaganda war and the documentation shows, how the famous film directors analyzed in the sources are developing the film film-language of propaganda. The book gives personal and biographical background of the six directors, referring to books and letters of (and about) the persons. The Netflix documentary shows part of the movies, with comments of six contemporary directors and offers direct access to movies. This shows in a direct and reflexive way the creation of the propaganda movies, possible only through the means of an internet streaming service. It would of course in theory be possible, to do this all via DVDs, but it would be more expensive and inconvenient. Netflix is using its potential to reflect on the development of media culture, a very laudable move indeed. I almost regret using the harsh word "propaganda", because the possibility to see and the movies and analyze them, is of course reflection and not propaganda. But the observer and critic of the media can't leave the visual media. Tony, the shinning alter ego of Danny in the film "The shinning" (Wp) calls the images we see, "pictures" ("It's just like pictures in a book, Danny. It isn't real" is the quote, in the sentence- context). We can't escape the media, but that is not all. There are consequences. They are related to Media in general (too big topic to continue on that here) and on mass-media (also a big topic, but I feel it can be reduced to a meaningful outcome here). Since the development of Hollywood propaganda movies (42 to 45), to the year 2021, the structures of Mass-Media changed, but some basic propaganda elements remained, constructing a second reality, a war-movie reality. On the level of the film-analysis it would be interesting to monitor if there are basic changes from the pre-propaganda area (see the film "Jurarez" as an example), but this would need a too long digression. On the level of the society (as world society), the new propaganda-films opened a new chapter for the society as cultural memory (see Luhmann 1996:173, English translation 2000:97). The development consists of two elements: the new forms (means) and as a function for society: self observation out of a memory. But this memory is nothing static, but something, which as to be renewed through new adaptations and narrations. And the other part is the theory  of a "just war" (Wp), which is traditionally not used in connection to the prevention of a Genocide. This seems to be a quite abstract and difficult angle to discuss films, but it seems to better and more consistent than just focussing on war battles in class, which I of course not do (Wabisabi learning).  

Luhmann, Niklas (1996), Die Realität der Massenmedien, English (2000): The realtiy of massmedia, Translated by Kathleen Cross, Stanford University Press                                                   

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Polycentric backgrounds

 This post is motivated by the aim to give some backgrounds of a (so called) "lightning talk", because in oral explanations only few deeper backgrounds can be  conveyed. And moreover, because of the fact, that this (Lightening) talk was not delivered, this blog post is getting even more important and was there subsequently altered. The written explanation (of the talk), however, is without a common understanding of the spoken situation and has to be more explicit. Naturally also a written text has to rest on presumptions, it is also situated in a context, in this case the context of a blog about language policy. Readers of this blogs may have noticed, that this blog is using the Wikipedia as an important tool of reference. In general, it is the Wikipedia in English, which is cited here, another convention of texts (oral AND written) is, that they situated in linguistic context. A text, with the title "language lightning" is addressing this, but not for abstract reasons of "fairness", between languages, because of a principle, that calls on the equity of languages. The validity of this argumentation is not discussed here, the linguistic roots of nationalism and multilingualism are situated here in a different, in a political context. Defining "political" can also be done very rudimentary here, in a sense, that political is related to a power for change. Addressing Multilingualism can be seen as a power to change a political situation. This is an abstract, in positive sense, ideological concept applied by the EU and even more by the Council of Europe to transcendent linguistic power. To "Transcend power" does not mean to ignore it, it means to use it as a tool for reaching another level. Hannah Arendt gives in her lucid analysis of the US-constitution attention to the fact that the polycentric power-structure in the US-constitution leads to greater influence of that nation, then if the power is concentrated in one structure. This is a paradox at the first sight, because different power centers could block each other and the outcome would be lesser power for all acting parties. However on the long run polycentric structures not only more secure (checks and balances as a mechanism against dictatorship), but also generating power. The polycentric world of the national states can be seen as a very effective mechanism for preventing a world government. But on the other hand a unified stand against the global ecological problems of this planet seems to inevitable. Transferring this to the given situation: How the can the language of world power be used to create a unified stand against global challenges, while strengthening a polycentric power structure? Or in short, you to align with?              


Arendt, Hannah, On Revolution (Wp)  

Berlin, The Hedgehound & the Fox (Wp)

van Parijs, Philippe (2011), Linguistic Justice for Europe and the World, OUP