We are at a point in history, where transitions are obviously needed. It is not since yesterday that this fact is known, but it is high-time now to get real - why not by writing a blog-post or even start a brand-new blog. Writing seems to be not an active part in a transition, more like a spectator a kind of orator, who is just commenting, re-acting and not playing an active role in the play. This is, however, a false dichotomy, because every step on this way to create this post, is based on decisions. Not only, the choice of words, but even the choice of the language and the choice of the photo, all is based on decisions.

The colours of the photo (from Peter Tully) are also based on decisions and my choice of this marvellous photo is based on the title of the photo (of course transition!) and of the colours (green and blue), which are very telling for a transition. A green for our blue planet, which is obviously a much harder task, than a lot of us expected. Seeing some transitions from afar gives an impression of the magnitude of the transition. The choice of the language is also a decisive factor, because English is enabling a more distant view, at least, when it about the description of landscapes or places, where English is not primarly used.