Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Transformations: Corona Culture & Climate Change

The whole process of Modernization was a rapid process of social change(s). The not entirely foreseeable effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are also belong here. Unfortunately it is very likely that the resilience of (world-)society will be further strained and therefore will further jeopardize collective efforts to prevent further climate change. Some possible counter-measures are discussed.
While "tectonic stress" on word wide level follows seldom a serious discussion, a notable counter example is the monograph by Homer-Dixon (2006), which thoroughly examines the parallels of shrinking Energy investments and sudden disruptions of the Energy supply (called "tectonic stresses", 2006: 103). The whole discussion in the Energy-sector needs further examination, which can't be done here. Important here is the notion of "tectonic stress", which is also visible in the Corona-Crisis. That the medical sector is highly stressed by a global pandemic goes without saying, also the disastrous economic effects are obvious. Other effects are less obvious, only for the direct involved stakeholders. Local culture and local media is threatened by the Pandemic.              
Mike Rispoli, director of News Voices, a not-for-profit local news advocacy group, says in the Guardian, Article: "We were living on borrowed time": 
“The possibility of newspapers closing is incredibly worrisome right now, especially because the information we need around the corona virus are things at the local and municipal level,” said Mike Rispoli, director of News Voices, a not-for-profit local news advocacy group (see also the HP of "New Voices" (about local Journalism, "Free Press" network). The existence-threatening situation of Community Journalism (WpE), the situation local newspapers in UK (Guardian) is not not a new phenomenon, as the articles clearly show, but the Pandemic is marking the end. But what the relation to resilience on climate change? If local information-systems are lost, communities can lose their narratives and their are easier to manipulate by simple populist slogans.    
In general climate action is slowed down through Covid-19 (Guardian) and mankind wasn't making enough progress to save the planet from Global warming bevor Covid 19. But how do we know? We know, that global warming (WpE) is real, but it very difficult to judge, weather the already taken measures to prevent further global warming are effective and if they are ineffective, why they are not effective (enough). Climate is not just a global process, there is also Microclimate (in some areas, see the Wikepedia-article). And the most important parmeter used to evaluate measures on a global scale is money, especially in a cost-benefit analysis (WpE has more). According to the OECD (Development Assistance Commitee), there was gap of 2.5 Trillion dollar (SDG-K=HUB an OECD Post). And that was before Covid-19! Now this gap will be even bigger, if first the normal situation is restored (back to Climate Change Culture!) and then the fight against global warming will start again. Only IF (a big IF!) the measures for economic recovery will be combined with the establishment of a new Culture, the culture of sustainability and resilience only then mankind has a change to escape the most severe effects of climate change (because of course global warming is already happening). There are only few possibilities, that the crisis is used to turn the tide, there are more indicators for the opposite (Matt Stoller reports for the Guardian about the situation in the US, 22/3/2020). The Covid-19 crisis is not over, but the discussion for a post Covid-19 economy should start now.           

Homer-Dixon, Thomas (2006), The upside of down, Resource and Conflict Analysis, (Souvenir press), London  

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