Happy Earth day to everyone! In fact Judith asked me to show her a Zoom side for the discussion of the earth day and I only can say there are a lot, but there no side for the the earth as a whole. There are many discussions going on in many parts of this Earth.This is the central page of the Earth day (Link), the Wikipedia-page (Earth day) shows the history of the celebration. But this article shows also that the branding "Earth day" originated in the USA. Because of the worldwide impact of the English language and the cultural soft power (Wp) of the USA, the Earth day on 22.April is now known internationally. But what has the international environment movement and especially the US environment movement really reached after 50 years? The US has a President, who denials Global warming and is not taking part in Paris agreement of climate protection. The global warming is accelerating and CO2 in atmosphere has reached an overcritical level since several years. While there are several opinions on the fact, when there was a window of opportunity to really overcome, a lot of observers think it already to late to fight global in the boundaries of 1.5°1.5 Celsius, as the Paris agreement from 2016 (Wp) recommends (see Klein 2014, McKibben 2019 for an overview of this discussion). A global warming exceeding 1.5° would hit countries in the Global south especially hard. Especially Africa is affected and of course also all coastal regions are also to hit. This are facts, they are proven by several scientific analysis. But why are some people, like Trump, are denying these facts? Giving them not the benefit of the doubt, because this is no trial, but a political analysis, they are about to enforce the Social Darwinist slogan from the survival of the fittest on the whole earth (see Hobsbawm 2012 for Nationalism and Social Darwinism). This is actually not particularity new. The 19. century was affected by this ideology and until the 20th century this ideology was very dominant. Only a short time of history is marked by a different ideology, the ideology of cooperation and mutual assistance. How successful was (and is) this ideology? This is still not decided, but what is sure, that the earth day is part of this bright ideology of mutual assistance and deserves a celebration. And in times of Covid-19 Pandemic this celebration is course different, because big gatherings of people are dangerous. And of course there are a lot of virtual gatherings, I yesterday went, the biggest maybe "Earth day live", from the central page. But we need more, we need a worldwide political force, giving legitimacy for the Earth. And that could only be the General Assembly of the United Nations. The UNPA campaign shows Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Link), who did only serve one term as Secretary-General of the UN. Does this ring a bell? Trumps decision to cut funding of the WHO should be seen in this background (CNN). While the US has been important for the environmental movement of the planet the movement should be acting more international and find allies outside the US-Empire. Happy earth day for the whole planet!
Hobsbawm, E. J. (2012), Nations and Nationalism since 1780 (Canto Classics), second edition
Klein, Naomi (2014), This changes everything: Capitalism vs. the climate, Schuster & Schuster, auf Deutsch: Die Entscheidung: Kapitalismus vs. Klima (2015, Fischer)
McKibben, Bill (2019), Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?, Wildfire
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