Monday, May 11, 2020

what can we do?

Some Reflections in times of the Corona-Pandemic (updated version)
In these times it difficult not feel helpless and vulnerable. But what could one possibly do about this? Of course the situation is the same everywhere, so these reflections should be seen as optional, more about this later. Because of Social Distancing (Wp), which means in most of the cases means staying home, a lot of human being having now more time than before. How can this time be used?
  1. Watching/Reading the news. I am telling this "my" students, the students, who study Intercultural Communication with me. 
  2. Taking action. Blogging  is my of doing it. There are other possibilities: Global citizens (HP in English for further explanations), supporting the UN (R. Falk Blog 3/4/2020) or Friday for Future Japan (of course in Japanese)   
  3. Learning a new language or using English for better understanding of global facts, like global warming, loss of biodiversity or other elements of the ecological crisis (Wp) or waching Planet of the Humans (Youtube)     
  4. Learning about mankind's quite desperate situation on earth in non fiction: "Loosing Earth" (Wp, soon on Apple TV), but more fatalistic, than political criticizes Naomi Klein (in the Interzept)     
  5. The Guardian tells that there no fictions about climate change but I I have my doubt about this. I think that some anime like 'Children of the Sea' (海獣の子供 in Japanese) or "weathering with you" (in Japanese: 天気の子) are reflecting about ecological changes, in poetic way. But these films are of course no active reflection of the topic.       
  6.  Using our money from the stimulus package (Guardian 7/4/2020). 10000 Yen is indeed not so much, it is better than nothing, but for a lot of people, who lost their jobs or working less, it is only a small help. Will it help the economy in Japan? There have packages before (2013, Guardian), but their effects has been limited. 
This is of course my personal point of view. Although I am no professional politician and also no (political) Journalist, I think that reacting politically is very important in this pandemic. The pandemic will cause enormous economic problems, which could also slow down our reaction to the climate crisis. A lot of people are already arguing, that we have to return to the normal economic situation and then (after a few years maybe) we can do something against the ecological crisis. But then it is too late. I am convinced that the Covid-19 crisis could also be used as chance for changing our economic system and enlarging our resilience capacity, because the climate crisis is not over. IF mankind would reform its economical system to more sustainability, which is also taking some years, the CO2 blown into the atmosphere for several years will still impact the climate for years to come. So even we act now, the challenge is very big, but this Covid-19 crisis could be a change for a change to the better. What do you think?


  1. You use an interesting term, where you call on us to enlarge our 'reliance capacity'...can you elaborate a bit on what is the reliance capacity?

  2. Thank you for your comment. It should be "resilience capacity", which means that there are reserves in certain capacities, could be money, stockpiled food or flooding areas. I corrected the typo.
